Create your free PetRescue account

I’m an adopter looking for a pet
Unlock access to more adopter benefits with a PetRescue account. By signing up for an account - you can save a list of your favourite pets, set up pet alerts and email notifications for new pets available for adoption PLUS receive exclusive pet listing updates straight to your inbox.

I’m a rescue group
If your group is looking for fosters or homes for the pets in your care, you’ve come to the right place! By becoming a member of PetRescue - you’re joining a nationwide community on a mission to make a difference. PLUS you’ll receive access to some very pawsome free member benefits and pet adoption support.

I'm a pound or animal management facility
If your pound has (or wants to create) a pet adoption program, you’ve come to the right place! We can help you to get set up and place your pets seeking new homes in front of the thousands of pet-loving Australians visiting PetRescue daily. PLUS you’ll receive access to some very free pawsome member benefits and pet adoption support.

I'm a veterinary practice or clinic
If your veterinary clinic has pets in your care that you require assistance finding homes for, you’ve come to the right place! We can help you to get set up and place your pets seeking new homes in front of the thousands of pet-loving Australians visiting PetRescue daily. PLUS you’ll receive access to some very pawsome free member benefits and pet adoption support.